How Long Do Duck Eggs Last in the Fridge?

How Long Do Duck Eggs Last in the Fridge?

Duck eggs can last up to 3-5 weeks in the fridge when stored properly. Keeping duck eggs refrigerated extends their shelf life, ensuring they remain fresh and safe to eat. Proper storage conditions, such as temperature and cleanliness, play a vital role in preserving duck eggs.

Why Refrigerate Duck Eggs?

Refrigeration slows down the growth of bacteria, keeping duck eggs safe for consumption for a longer period. Unlike chicken eggs, duck eggs have a thicker shell, which provides a natural barrier against bacteria. However, they still benefit greatly from refrigeration, especially if they have been washed.

Factors Affecting Shelf Life of Duck Eggs in the Fridge

Several factors influence how long fresh duck eggs last in the refrigerator:

  1. Washing: Unwashed duck eggs last longer than washed ones. The natural bloom, or protective coating, helps keep out bacteria.
  2. Temperature: Store duck eggs at 40°F (4°C) or below. Fluctuations in temperature can reduce shelf life.
  3. Cleanliness: Keep eggs away from strong-smelling foods and in their original carton to prevent moisture loss.

Shelf Life of Duck Eggs vs. Chicken Eggs

Egg Type Refrigerated (Unwashed) Refrigerated (Washed)
Duck Eggs Up to 5 weeks Up to 3 weeks
Chicken Eggs Up to 4-5 weeks Up to 3-4 weeks

Note: The above data represents general estimates and can vary based on specific conditions.

How Long Are Fresh Duck Eggs Good for in the Refrigerator?

Fresh duck eggs stored properly in the fridge can last up to 5 weeks. Unwashed eggs tend to stay fresh longer because of the protective bloom. If washed, they should ideally be consumed within 3 weeks.

How to Store Duck Eggs in the Fridge for Maximum Freshness

How to Store Duck Eggs in the Fridge for Maximum Freshness

To ensure that duck eggs remain fresh for as long as possible:

  • Keep Them in the Carton: Store eggs in their original carton to protect them from absorbing odors.
  • Place on a Middle Shelf: Avoid the fridge door to prevent temperature fluctuations.
  • Check for Freshness: Perform a float test—fresh eggs sink, while older eggs float.

How Long Are Duck Eggs Good for in the Fridge?

Duck eggs can last 3-5 weeks, but it’s essential to inspect them regularly. Check for any cracks, changes in smell, or unusual spots on the shell, which can indicate spoilage. Always discard any eggs that seem off.

Do Fresh Duck Eggs Last Longer Than Chicken Eggs?

While fresh duck eggs typically have a thicker shell, which can offer slightly better protection, both duck and chicken eggs have similar storage times when refrigerated. The quality of storage conditions ultimately determines the shelf life.

To learn more about farm fresh chicken egg storage check the article linked below:

Farm Fresh Eggs Storage

Storing duck eggs in the fridge is the best way to keep them fresh and safe. Whether you buy them from a farm or collect them from your ducks, understanding the factors that affect their longevity ensures you enjoy fresh eggs for weeks.


USDA’s Egg Safety page

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